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When coughing attack, there were people who went straight to cough but most prefer the traditional way like drinking lemon juice and honey. Which is actually more effective?

In the website of the National Health Service (NHS) England, stated that in fact only little scientific evidence on the effectiveness of cough medicines. However some ingredients in cough medicine does reduce the symptoms that interfere with, for example, reduce fever or treat nasal congestion.

Experts in the NHS actually recommend the use of "drug" simple and inexpensive as using honey and lemon to treat cough briefly.

"There is no quick way to get rid of cough caused by a viral infection. Diseases such as these usually disappear after the immune system against the virus," wrote the experts at the site.

Research carried out two years ago also revealed that many popular cough medicines that do not work as they claim in advertisements. Most cough also have low quality, even too much sugar.

"The scientific evidence behind the drug-Obata cough is very weak and there is no research that says the drug may reduce the duration of illness," said Dr.Tim Ballard, vice Royal College of General Practitioners.

The experts also confirmed that not cure cough cough medicine but helps to reduce the symptoms. When suffering from coughs to know is to recognize the symptoms of the most disturbing and select the most appropriate products.

Although briefly to cough more advisable to use natural materials, but for a cough that lasts long enough to see the doctor still recommended.

"If the cough last a long time, for example, more than a week, the child suffered, or coughing blood, causing shortness of breath, or accompanied by high fever, consult a doctor," he said.
Brighten Face Mask with Honey and Lemon
Bright facial skin a dream for all women. Because by having them will look more beautiful and charming. Many women who do special treatment to obtain a bright face.
Many modern tools that can make the face brighter briefly make people forget to natural materials. In fact, natural ingredients have properties that are more useful to brighten the face. Moreover, these materials are safe to use and does not cause side effects.
Masks become one of the ways that women usually do to care. Mask itself was no mask natural and artificial. For more leverage, you can use masks from natural ingredients. One way is to use to mask of honey and lemon. Mask is often used by women for facial skin taut and bright tempak.
Honey which as we know does have many benefits. Not only for health, honey is also useful for the beauty that is to brighten your face.
This is because honey contains some of the properties for the skin.
Not only is it useful honey to moisturize the skin. Even honey can be useful to prevent the skin from inflammation. Moreover, coupled with natural ingredients like lemon.
Lemon itself very useful to brighten someone's skin. Even the lemon is also useful as a natural moisturizer. Thus, a mix of materials between honey and lemon is perfect to brighten the skin. In terms of manufacture was relatively easy. You only need to prepare honey and lemon with the place.
When the material is ready for use, the next step is to insert a half tablespoon of honey and half a tablespoon of lemon to the venue. The place used can vary as a bowl. Then mix all the ingredients until blended.
If all the ingredients are ready, then you can wear it. Spread evenly on the face. Then wait within 15-20 minutes until the mask feels dry. Then, rinse the mask off with warm water. To get a bright face, you need to do it regularly.
Do the use of the mask least once a week. Due to the continuous facial treatments will be more tasteless the results obtained. Honey and lemon mask used continuously can produce a bright skin. In addition, your skin will look dull again.

Honey and lemon into a suitable combination for the treatment of the skin. By maximizing natural ingredients, you can get the best results. Honey and lemon is often used for the treatment and for health. So, there is nothing wrong if you start to try it.
That is some information about honey and lemon mask you can do to get a bright face. Do it consistently wearing of masks. With you consistently then you will get maximum results. So, from now on you briefly take the time to do the maintenance.
The use of natural materials will be able to help skin feel firmer and smoother. To get it was also very easy.


Honey and lemon for digestion
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Honey has been known to be beneficial to health begi as well as lemon. The idea of ​​combining honey and lemon has been in several generations to take advantage of both natural materials. Benefits of a mixture of pure honey and fresh lemon juice is a great component for digestion and weight loss. Not only that, this mixture of many other benefits for health, including boosting the immune system. Honey and lemon have beneficial properties for the digestive system.


Maldigestion can occur from a variety of reasons, but usually involve a lack of acidity in the stomach. Although the first pulverization process food occurs in the mouth but stomach acid is essential to break down food even before reaching the small intestine. Some digestive problems may reduce the capacity of digestion can cause bloating, flatulence and abdominal pain. Conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, also reduce absorption. Honey and lemon have beneficial properties for the entire digestive tract.


Lemon juice is very acidic, especially because of the citric acid contained in lemons. The acidity of the lemon juice can help capacity of stomach acid to digest food chemically, which not only brings more nutrients to be absorbed into the intestines, but also reduce the symptoms of indigestion, bloating and heartburn. Lemon juice also displays antimicrobial properties and is a rich source of vitamin C which is good for the body, by combining honey and lemon juice will be able to reduce the occurrence of infections throughout the digestive tract. Lemon juice also contains calcium, magnesium and potassium. Lemon juice can help relieve heartburn, lemon juice also has the effect of alkalizing the blood and other tissues, which stimulates the immune system and slow the growth of many types of microbes.


Honey is also an agent anitmocrobiano mainly caused by enzymes that can generate small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, according to "Nutritional Sciences". Thus, the benefits of honey can be used externally to treat minor wounds, abrasions, burns and acne, while maintaining the same properties when it is consumed and may reduce some forms of gastritis. Types of honey have different potential type of honey has a different potential in antimicrobial and manuka honey is a type of honey that produces the most powerful antimicrobial. Honey has antioxidant properties that can fight free radicals that are often associated with tissue damage and cancer. Antioxidants contained in pure honey helps with digestive health properties to fight free radicals, reduces inflammation and alter chemical toxins.

Mix honey and lemon

Honey and lemon have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties and is a good source of nutrients, although some people think the taste of honey too sweet to eat, and lemon juice is too acidic, the combination of the two with mixed with warm water to obtain a delicious flavor combinations. You can add 30 ml of warm water with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp lemon. In addition you can also add honey and lemon tea into you, but you need to know, tannin and caffeine in black tea can cause gastrointestinal discomfort therefore you can look for a low tea tannins and caffeine
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