Propolis: Columbia
Cancer Research Institute, 1991; stating that there are substances in propolis
CAPE functioning kill cancer cells. With the use of Propolis regularly for 6
months may reduce cancer by 50% .. Propolis is often called Russian penicillin
Is Propolis is it?
Propolis is a substrate sap from the leaf buds and bark of plants Conifer
(class pine) collected honeybees. Bees then mix them with a substance that is
secreted from the glands of bees water.
Propolis is used bees
to patch and coat the cel-cel honeycomb. Propolis is used to protect the nest
and larvae from bacteria, viruses, fungi and other enemies of the bee. With the
honeycomb propolis Cel be very sterile even mentioned as the most sterile room
in the world.
PROPOLIS very powerful disinfectant proved by the discovery of a dead
rat in the honeycomb of more than 5 years do not decay. So when the rat entered
the beehive and then killed by bees because bees are not biased issuing dead
rats then wrapped with bee propolis. The pack rats propolis was not biased rot
and become mummified.
Propolis is a complex
compound consisting of 55% resin, 30% beeswax, 10% aromatic oils and 5% bee
Ingredients Propolis
Propolis contains all
vitamins except vitamin K.
Propolis contains all
the minerals needed by the body unless sulfur.
Propolis contains 16
essential amino acid chains are required for cell regeneration.
Propolis contains
Bioflavanoid, namely antioxidants as supplements cells. According to the study,
the content of Bioflavonoids in one drop of propolis bioflavonoids generated
the equivalent of 500 oranges.
Propolis as a natural
treatment; contain active substances that function as drugs for various
diseases. Function of treatment include the following:
Propolis as a natural
antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal as well as natural with no side effects.
Propolis cure diseases
associated with bacteria, for example: thypus, diarrhea / vomiting and so on.
Can also for underarm odor is very disturbing, because in the folds of the
armpits there is bacteria or fungus that cause odor.
Propolis cure diseases
associated with viruses, such as dengue fever, flu, tuberculosis and so on.
Propolis cure diseases
associated with fungi, for example: eczema, skin fungus, vaginal discharge,
dandruff, and so on.
Propolis as
Anti-inflammatory (infection and injury), such as: ulcers, wounds, sore throat,
toothache, inflammation of the kidneys, burns and so on.
Propolis as
anti-cancer and mutagenesis of cells, eg cancer tumors, prime, cysts and so on.
Propolis is used to
cleanse and detoxify the blood vessels
Propolis serves as the
removal of toxins, such as uric acid, cholesterol, trigliserin, high blood
pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus and so on ..
Propolis is also a
miracle healer for diseases such as tumors, heart and blood vessels, diabetes
mellitus, arteriosclerosis or calcification of blood vessels by fat,
infections, digestive disorders, respiratory disorders, neurological diseases,
arthritis and rheumatism.
Propolis as
neutralizing toxins in the body and at the same time powerful anti-oxidants
Propolis boosts the
immune system
Opinions Experts
Here is the opinion of
the experts of propolis and other uses:
John Diamond MD;
Propolis is able to activate the thymus gland which serves as the body's immune
Ray Kupinsel; Propolis
as natural antibiotics that can fight various diseases without side effects
Professor Arnold
Becket; Propolis is able to cure various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria
and fungi.
Russia Research Team
(Russia Research Team); Substances in propolis are natural antibiotics and
anti-viral, vitamins, amino acids, minerals that are very effective for
diseases of the mouth, throat.
Dr. Fang Chu (doctors
in Lien Yu Kang Hospita China); propolis is useful for diseases of high fat
content in the blood and heart disease.
Columbia Cancer
Research Institute, 1991; CAPE in propolis are substances that kill cancer
cells function. With the use of substances CAPE regularly for 6 months may
reduce cancer by 50%.
Magazine antibiotics
VP Kivalkina; propolis very effective for infection without limit expired
Dr. K. Lund Aagaard
"Propolis, Natural Substance, the way to health". Bioflavanoid
contained in propolis can degrade free radicals caused by pollution,
preservatives and other chemicals into the body. Bioflavanoid work ability is
equivalent to the ability of 500 oranges.
Prof. Hembing Wijaya
Kusuma: propolis is very good for skin health and extraordinarily efficacious.
Propolis from age to
In Greece, Propolis
has been known as a treatment for injuries and various diseases can not be
Hippocrates (460-370
BC), the father of medicine, using bee pollen and propolis as a remedy to
combat various diseases.
Romans adored bee and
Propolis as a medicine, psychiatrists use as a medicine propolis extracts from
stings and all toxic substances, reducing Swelling, relax and reduce pain in
Egypt has known
propolis as a treatment and all religious symbol.
In the Boer War
(1888-1902) between the population of South Africa and the UK, propolis is used
to menbersihkan wound from infection and heal wounds quickly.
How it works in the
fight against cancer Propolis: Propolis contains substances CAPE (Esther
Phenetyl Cafeic acid), in contrast with the work of Interferon drugs that kill
the virus also damages healthy cells, making cancer treatment often cause a bad
influence to the patient. Unlike the Propolis, a substance CAPE suppress
DNA-RNA viral transformation allowing the virus does not develop into a virus
and destroy tissue. Thus the virus can disappear without damaging the cells of
the body tissue cancer patients.
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