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The Sweet Honey Bees Healthy And The Worker
Honey sweet Healthy

Honey is a fluid-like syrup, honey is viscous and sweet taste, produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. If the wasps are in the nest of honey is removed from the bag honey nectar contained in the abdomen and chewed worked alongside other wasps, if the nectar is finely placed in a cell, if the cell is full will be closed and it ferments.

The sweet taste of honey is caused by elements of the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has a sweet taste similar to sugar. Honey has the chemical characteristics of interest, smeared when used for baking. Honey has a different flavor than sugar and other sweeteners. Most microorganisms can not grow in honey because of the low water activity is only 0.6.

The history of the use of honey by humans is quite long. From the first human use of honey for food and beverages as a sweetener or flavoring. Aromas of honey depends on the source of nectar taken Honey bees are a mixture of sugar and other compounds. In connection with carbohydrates, honey is mainly fructose (about 38.5%) and glucose (approximately 31.0%), so similar to the synthetically produced inverted sugar syrup, which is about 48% fructose, 47% glucose, and sucrose 5%. The remaining honey carbohydrates including maltose, sucrose, and other complex carbohydrates. Like all other nutritious sweeteners, honey contains mostly sugar and contains only a little amount of vitamins or mineral.Madu also contains small amounts of several compounds thought to function as antioxidants, including chrysin, pinobanksin, vitamin C, catalase, and specific pinocembrin.Komposisi number of honey depends on the flowers available for bees that produce honey.

Analysis of honey in general:
• Fructose: 38.2%
• Glucose: 31.3%
• Maltose: 7.1%
• Sucrose: 1.3%
• Water: 17.2%
• Sugar highest: 1.5%
• Abu (chemical analysis): 0.2%
• Others: 3.2%
The viscosity of honey is about 1.36 kilograms per liter. Or equal to 36% is more viscous than water).

Honey has a long history in medicine. The ancient Egyptians did not just make honey offerings to their gods, they are also used as an embalming fluid and dressing for the wound.

Nowadays, many people and health professionals to learn and use the benefits of honey for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Herbal medical practitioners consider that honey is one of the traditional medicine worldwide.

But outside the laboratory, a claim for recovery of honey has not been proven - except in the field of wound care and, to a lesser extent, as a cough suppressant.

This is the truth behind the claims about the health benefits of honey - and an important warning.

Honey as an antibacterial?
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In the laboratory, the honey has been shown to inhibit the growth of food-borne pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella, and to fight certain bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are both common in hospitals and doctor's offices. But does it do the same in people have not been proven.

Shopping for honey and you will see that some of the lighter, the other darker. In general, the darker the honey, the better antibacterial and antioxidant power.

Honey comes in many varieties, depending on the source of pollen or nectar collected by honey bees and spit upon arrival at the nest.

Honey producers may apply to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the class on their products, but the score does not take into account the color. Instead, honey assessed for clarity, aroma, and taste, and the absence of sediment, such as particles of honeycomb.

Honey and Wound Care

Manuka honey is sometimes used to treat chronic foot ulcers and pressure sores.

Manuka honey is made in New Zealand from cider Leptospermum scoparium. This basic Medihoney, FDA approved in 2007 for use in treating wounds and skin ulcers. It works very well to stimulate healing, wound care specialists said Frank Bongiorno, MD, of Ann Arbor, Mich

"Medihoney has a standard for wound healing in the past year, since the market began to come in," says Bongiorno. A healing wounds, either chronic or acute, is clean, granulating wounds that were absent from bacteria and swelling. Bongiorno not using Medihoney for burns because it can cause pain.

Bongiorno had visited Haiti, where people use regular honey to wounds, and although it is harmless, has no impact Medihoney, purified with ultraviolet light instead of heat. Antibacterial action better preserved, he said.

That, of course, useful in treating wounds, but the pH content of Manuka honey, which lean toward the acid, which helps the healing process, said Bongiorno, who do not have a relationship with the Medihoney maker. "It relaxes and feels good for wounds. ''

Honey and Allergies

Several laboratory studies have shown honey has the potential to clear nasal congestion and meredahkan allergies triggered by pollen. But it was a bit of a stretch to apply that to a patient, said New Jersey allergic Corinna Bowser, MD.

Bowser said he did not consider the study of honey and jams would be enough, for several reasons: most allergy sufferers are sensitive to pollens like grass and the wind carried ragweed - the kind not made by bees and turned into honey.

"If you want to treat someone with allergies, it is not commonly found in honey bees," said Bowser.

"Even if no allergens in honey, it will not make a difference, because it will be broken down by stomach acid and do not trigger an immune response," said Bowser. Instead, "The pills we take for allergies coated so that they can not be damaged," he said.

Honey and Flu

Maryland family doctor Ariane Cometa, MD, who describes himself as a practitioner of holistic, like using buckwheat honey based syrup to relieve early symptoms of flu. He says it soothes inflamed membranes and facilitates cough - last claim is supported by several studies.

In a study involving 139 children, honey beat dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and diphenhydramine (an antihistamine) in reducing nighttime cough in children and improve their sleep.

Another study involving 105 children found that buckwheat honey fake suppress cough dextromethorphan in the evenings.

"If you have a cold or something that happened in the throat or upper airway, getting on board with honey syrup helps fight infection and soothe membranes," said Cometa, who also recommends buckwheat honey-based allergy medication.

Honey and Diabetes

Even if natural honey, it's no better than ordinary white or brown sugar to the diet or diabetics, says dietitian Toby Smithson, RD, CDE, a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association and founder of the website, Diabetes Everyday.

A tablespoon of honey, in fact, has more carbohydrates and calories of white or brown sugar sand.

"One of my favorite quotes is that" sugar is sugar 'when it comes to diabetes, "said Smithson. "I think it's a myth that honey is a better area for diabetes. Some patients do not classify honey as sugar. ''

Smithson, who has type 1 diabetes, said she prefers getting carbohydrates from fresh fruit cup or a carton of yogurt because they have about the same amount of carbohydrates as a tablespoon of honey - but little sugar.

"There are some minerals and vitamins and antioxidants in honey - the darker the honey, the higher the level of antioxidants -. But with yogurt, you can also get benefits When you have diabetes, you have to be picky and choosy about carbs and calories. ''

Here are 17 health benefits of honey.
1. To treat wounds
2. Strengthening of white blood cells
3. Stabilize blood pressure
4. Preventing osteoporosis
5. Maintaining eye health
6. Treating anemia
7. Adding marital fertility
8. Treating allergies
9. Coping with respiratory problems
10. Enhancing energy / stamina
11. Overcoming constipation
12. Preventing infection in the wound
13. Overcoming heart problems
14. Increase sex drive
15. Eliminate the symptoms of asthma
16. Overcoming laryngitis
17. Overcoming constipation
And here are seven other health benefits of honey for very good for our life.
• Fetus: You need to know the benefits of honey as this one, it turns out honey believed to strengthen a weak fetus in the womb (uterus). • Pregnancy: In addition to strengthening the fetus, honey is also beneficial to help maintain stamina and health of women who are pregnancy, and it is important that help nutrition for the growing fetus during pregnancy.
• Infants: An infant's brain every day, always experience growth until age 5 years. For that infants should require a high nutrition to help brain development. It can be seen that now a lot of baby food and beverages combined with honey ingredient therein.
• Children: Turns honey can also keep the child's appetite, you know, so there is no excuse for lazy children eat. This course also helps development of the child with a healthy, lively and cheerful every day as well as disease resistance.
• Adolescents: Efficacy of honey in young children is no longer a secret. This honey can make very rapid development of the child. This is due to nutrition and good content in honey can be absorbed by the body.
• Adults: For adults who are always working every day would always feel tired and felt stress so that the body becomes weak and easily infected or diseased. For that honey is the best option to be added to the list of foods and beverages you. Because honey is able to provide and maintain the stamina to stay fresh and not susceptible to disease.
• Elderly: In old age the digestive organs must function optimally has begun to diminish. For that honey is a food / drink is good because it contains a source of energy and good nutrition. In terms of digestibility was honey is very easy to directly absorbed by the body. So that the benefits of honey Yag this one is very good for seniors.

Health benefits of honey for the above are just a few of the many benefits of honey. One of them is for a facial or beauty. Turns honey can also be to treat the face to make it look bright, clean, healthy, and of course, beautiful. But of course there is a certain way how to take advantage of this honey for skin care.

Manufacturers have been using honey in everything from hand lotions and moisturizers to soap. One reason is they use honey for health, more and more consumers are demanding cosmetic and personal care products made from natural ingredients.

First, honey is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. This makes honey a natural fit in a variety of moisturizing products including cleansers, creams, shampoos and conditioners.

Look for honey in the store-bought beauty products or simply add a squeeze of honey for moisturizer, shampoo or soap at home. For some extra pampering, try to design their own simple beauty recipes.

Used as cleansing in the morning eliminate waste excreted during the process of self-cleansing the skin nocturnal. In the evenings, ensuring the elimination of dirt, oil and makeup.

Use for restful sleep: Your skin will tell you if you lack sleep. Without enough sleep, your body can not recover and repair itself. Not only will you live longer, your skin will look better.

Reduce Stress: Stress age body tissues - especially the skin tissue. Exercise, massage therapy, yoga, aromatherapy and meditation are very effective against stress.

Good information about the benefits of honey or honey to the health benefits of this useful and broaden your knowledge about honey.

Honey bees - Apis dorsata

The most effective types of bees are producing honey bee Apis dorsata.Lebah with this kind including the Asian bees produce the most good honey .Bee only create one layer that stand up nest in a tree, in an open ceiling, or on the cliff. For now Apis dorsata can not be cultivated in a closed enclosure. With the nest measuring 2 x 2 m bees can produce 20 kg of honey for each hive.

Apis dorsata big man, and live in sub-tropical and tropical Asia such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Nepal and not found other than in the Asian region. In Indonesia bees can be found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and NTB or NTT. Forest bee honey bee Apis dorsata is Asia's most prolific producing honey, making a nest with only one tooth that hangs on the branches and twigs of trees, open ceiling and the cliff rocks, because until now scientists have not been successfully cultivated in the form of Apis dorsata closed. Strokes nests can reach 2 x 1 meter with a yield can reach 20 kg / hive.

These species grow only in the sub-tropical and tropical Asia, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Nepal, and there are no outside Asia. In Indonesia can still be found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Irian and in NTB and NTT. On the island of Java, this bee is rarely found. There are several designations for these bees in Indonesia, namely manye / muanyi (KalBar - lake Sentarum), wasps gong (Java), wasps odeng (Sunda), spider sieve, gantuang spider, spider kabau, spiders ox (West Sumatra) harinuan (Tapanuli ), is in English called giant honey bee.

Apis dorsata itself until now divided into three sub-species of the
A. dorsata dorsata,
A.D. binghami (found only in Sulawesi) and
A. d. breviligula (in the Philippines)
According to Michael S. Engel Apis dorsata can be divided into several types:
• Apis dorsata dorsata; native of India
• Apis dorsata binghami (Honeybees Indonesia) from Malaysia and Indonesia
• Apis dorsata breviligula of the Philippines
• The honey bee Apis dorsata laboriosa Himalayas also exist in Myanmar, Laos, and northern China
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