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Almost everyone knows that honey is an important food source for the human body, but very few people are aware of the exceptional properties of produse it, namely honeybees.

As we know, the food source of bees is nectar, which is not found in the winter. By because of that, the bees mix nectar they gather in the summer with a special fluid removed their bodies. This mixture produces a new nutritious substances, namely honey and keep it for the winter to come.

It's interesting to note that the bees store honey is far more than it actually is. The first question that arises in our mind is: why bees do not stop this overproduction, which seems to be just a waste of time and energy? The answer to this question is hidden in the word "revelation" that has been given to the bees, as mentioned in the last paragraph.

Bees produce honey not for themselves, but also to humans. As other creatures in nature, bees are also devoted to serving human beings, just like chickens that lay eggs at least a grain of every day despite not needed and cows that produce milk far exceeds the needs of their children.

The following Fact Why Honeycomb Shaped Hexagon namely:

First fact beehive-shaped hexagonal or hexagon that serves as a repository of honey. After a lengthy investigation, the mathematicians conclude this is the most optimal form for storage of honey, in terms of the effectiveness of the space formed and the materials used to make it.

Hexagonal shape is symmetrical, when combined will produce the perfect combination of space use, which does not produce residual spaces are useless, as if spaces berpenampang circles or pentagons. Furthermore, the shape of the room with a triangular or rectangular cross-section may also produce the optimal combination. However, the raw materials needed to make these forms turned out to be more than is needed to make the shape of the room with a hexagonal cross-section. Hexagonal-shaped storage space, it requires the least amount of wax raw materials, with the largest capacity.

Bees build their nests by compiling from different angles, usually from four different points and meet in the middle. In a very small error rate even without the slightest error. Hexagon-shaped nest is the best form because in this case the bees store honey in bulk.

The use of wax raw materials too little. In a bees nest cavity created between one another behind is always made with a 13-degree slope at an angle upwards. With the intention that honey that has been stored is not spilled during storage.

Bee hive built can accommodate 80 thousand bees that live and work together, using a little piece of beeswax.

The nest is made up of beeswax-walled honeycombs, with hundreds of tiny cells on both surfaces. All cell honeycomb exactly the same size. This engineering miracle is achieved through collective work of thousands of bees. Bees use these cells for storing food and maintaining young bees.

For millions of years, bees have been using hexagon structure to build a nest. (A bee fossil is 100 million years old have been found). It is amazing that they chose hexagon structure, not octagon or pentagon. Mathematician gives the reason: "the structure of the hexagon is the most appropriate geometric shapes to utilize any portion maximum unit". If the cells of honeycomb constructed with other forms, there will be unused parts, so less honey that can be stored and fewer bees benefit.

At the same depth, cell shape triangle or rectangle can hold the same amount of honey with a hexagon cell. However, of all these geometric forms, hexagon has the shortest circumference.

In conclusion: hexagonal cells require the least amount of wax in its development, and store honey at most. Bees would not be able to calculate this, which can only be done with the human complex geometric calculations. This small animal using a hexagon shape in nature, just as they are taught or "inspired" by their Lord.

Seen from the economic aspect of the building, bees have set an example to the people of optimizing costs without compromising the aesthetic value of the building. A lesson that is very admirable of these tiny creatures, which build their nests.

The second fact is also amazing from the beehive, is a very accurate angle regularity. Each cavity is constructed with a slope of thirteen degrees, with the lower parts are inside. These angles are always repeated with perfect accuracy. Thus, the stored honey will not flow to the outside.

In terms of strength, beehive hanging and seemed susceptible to this damage, actually has great power. This is demonstrated by the ability of the nests to hold the load hundreds of bees, honey and receiving in each bay. Thus, gluing system used to hang the nest in high places also have a high degree of robustness.

Furthermore, we can find amazing things from bees techniques in working together to build a nest. The bees begin to build nests of several different points. They formed a working group that is working from different places, until finally sacs formed hexagonal meet in the middle, with perfect accuracy levels.

In the honeycomb we can also see the application of the principles of aesthetics or beauty. Simetrisitas contained in the regulation of the honeycomb geometric composition gives the impression of a very strong balance overall. The use of hexagonal shapes perfectly berapit produce unity of design obtained through regular repetition-repetition. Behind the structure is simple, we can see the complexity that is present in every detail of manufacture, in the form of a perfect size precision, order placement and accuracy of election forms and compositions.

The third fact is the setting of humidity and ventilation: The humidity nest, which makes honey has a high-quality protection, must be maintained at a certain limit. On moisture above or below this limit, the honey will be damaged and lose its nutritional quality and protection. Likewise, the temperature of the nest should be 35 C for ten months of the year. To keep the temperature and humidity of this nest to a certain extent, there is a special group in charge of maintaining ventilation.

If the day is hot, looks bee hive was set up ventilation. The driveway is filled with bee hive. While attached to the wooden structure, they fan the hive with their wings. In a standard hive, air entering from one side is pushed out on the other side. Other ventilator bees work in the hive, pushing air into all corners of the nest. The ventilation system is also useful to protect the hive from smoke and air pollution.

The fourth fact is the health system: maintaining the quality of honey bees is not limited to the setting of humidity and heat. In the nest are a perfect health care system to control all the events that may lead to bacteria. The main purpose of this system is to eliminate substances that may give rise to bacteria. The principle is to prevent foreign substances entering the nest. To that end, two guards are always placed at the nest entrance. If a foreign substance or insect enters the hive despite this precaution had been there, all trying to get rid of the bee hive.

It's clear the bees do not have any knowledge about this, let alone laboratory. Bees only an insect 1-2 cm in length, and he did it all with what has inspired his Lord.
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