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Benefits of Honey for Beauty

Benefits of Honey for Beauty

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Benefits of honey forbeauty - Honey is a viscous liquid has a sweet taste and a yellow-brown, honey produced by bees that are proven to have many benefits and uses. Benefits of honey is no doubt, this has been proven to the rest of the world. it is no wonder that today has many products circulating in Indoneia honey, even in the world of beauty products such as skin, face and hair.
Benefits of honey is not only beneficial to health problems, but honey is also very useful for beauty treatments. For that, on this occasion I will explain. The following information:

Can cope with hair loss
For those of you that has particularly a problem with hair loss, honey is a perfect solution to solve your problem.

Can moisturize the hair
To cope with dry hair and split ends, you need to mix ½ cup pure honey with ¼ cup olive oil. After that, apply all over your hair thoroughly, then cover with head cover and let stand about 25 minutes. Then wash with shampoo you use, then dry with a towel.

Can nourish hair
For those of you who crave healthy hair, beautiful and bold, the solution is to do a honey treatment.

Protects skin
In addition to hair, honey can also protect the skin from various skin diseases.

Can moisturize the skin
To moisturize the skin, you can do the treatment by applying honey to the entire surface of your skin before bathing.

Can prevent premature aging
With the use of honey in skin care, the trust can overcome the signs of aging on the skin.

Can heal the wounds of the skin
Honey contains antiseptic that can help accelerate wound healing, so it can be protected from infection.

Can be used as a skin cleanser
Honey is very suitable as a facial cleanser, because it can keep the skin moist and prevent acne.

Overcoming the problem of acne
To get rid of acne on the face or other body parts, you only need to smear honey on the skin of acne.

Can moisturize and redden the lips
To make lips look moist and red way is by heating the honey on the spoon until foamy, then wait until the cool honey. After that, apply honey on your lips, do this treatment every day until your desire is visible
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