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Benefits of Honey For Children

Benefits of Honey For Children

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Honey is not only useful for adults only, but also can be beneficial for children in infancy. Benefits of honey for children can improve the health and growth, because honey contains many nutrients and vitamins that are needed for children such as vitamin A. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, D, E, K, uric acid and acid nikotinal , All vitamins are very easily absorbed after 1 hour of honey. This is in contrast with the vitamins contained in other foods, such as fruits and vegetables glazed. The absorption of vitamins are not as fast as honey.

Benefits of Honey For Children

Here are a few benefits of honey for children, among others are:

Can cure cough, flu and colds
For children, in general, are very susceptible to illnesses such as coughs, colds and flu, it is already commonplace occurs because the immune system in children is still weak. Therefore, we as parents need to pay more attention to the activities of our children everyday.

Can aid the digestive system of children
In general, children often do not care about the cleanliness of the food they eat, other than that the children also often underestimate the cleanliness of their hands when eating something. Things like that can cause problems in digestion, because germs and viruses are present in food or carried on their hand into the abdomen.

Can enhance brain development of children
In the childhood is a period in which the brain during development, so it is best if our children are given a balanced intake of honey. To enhance the brain development of children, it is advisable to consume honey diligently every day so that more optimal brain development.

Can increase the growth of children

Benefits of honey for children is no doubt about the usefulness, the honey is believed to help the growth of children optimally. The honey in the womb there are many nutrients such as iron and copper, unlike formula milk contains very little in comparison with pure honey.
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