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You may still undecided, with the levels of provision of honey on your baby or toddler. Some web visitors often ask offline and online to us about the safety of giving honey to infants, especially babies under one year.
Problems giving honey to children under 1 year is still controversial. According to modern research recently carried out, honey (which is taken directly from the hive without being processed again) turned out to contain botulinum kumanclostridium carried by the legs of wasps. These bacteria produce toxins that can cause infant botulism disease.
Diseases of this type of food poisoning would interfere with the baby's nervous system and can be fatal. Infants less than 1 year are still building their immune power. In infants, the good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is not complete as adults. In fact, these good bacteria can overcome and prevent botulism spores proliferate. Thus, automatically there will be no formation of harmful toxic substances. However, cases of poisoning itself is rare because not all honey contains bacteria. Therefore it is not surprising that many parents give honey to the baby without having any adverse effects.
Well, how to react?
I personally, with a variety of experiences around the honey that is truly magical, believe that honey is very safe for consumption by various circles, even though he was a baby. Because the efficacy of honey itself has been mentioned by Allah in His Word:
"From the belly of bees came out liquids with different colors, in which there is healing for mankind." (Qur'an, An-Nahl: 69)
There are no exceptions to the baby in the interpretation or hadith that explain it. Safe roads, provide for infants and toddlers only the refined and purified with no additive (already cleaned and purified) - dr.Adi Tagor Sp.A from Pondok Indah Hospital in Jakarta. And because it is hot honey, mix honey with water before giving it to the baby.
A story of the miracle of honey that might need to know:
A baby suffered birth defects in her eyes. His eyes were bulging out, there is a tumor in the eye. Obviously, because of his age less than 3 months, the operation can not be done against him.
Then, while waiting time for surgery, the baby's grandmother with painstaking give honey to babies. Every hour, honey smeared a thin layer around the eyes and also drunk after thawed once with air.Anda know the results? The baby's eyes gradually enter, no longer stand out. When medically examined, the tumor, which had been turned out is not there anymore. In fact, the age of the baby less than 3 months!

                                                Benefits of honey for babies

Health Benefits of Honey
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The health benefits of honey are too numerous to mention his name, but here are the three major ones:
Natural Energy Booster
Benefits of honey go beyond great taste. A natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in improving the performance of direct, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Natural sugar that plays an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and provide immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy. It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar. So, to experience the health benefits of honey, here are some tips for you:
1. Next time before you go to exercise, take a spoon of honey to enable you to go for the extra mile.

2. If you are feeling low and lethargic in the morning, instead of reaching for a can of carbonated energy drink, try honey. Spread on hot toast or replace the sugar in your tea with it for a refreshing wave of energy.

3. If your children find hard to cope with the physical strain from the buzzing activities at school, prepare them drink honey, some sandwiches with honey, butter and ham to make sure that they have enough energy to sustain throughout the day. And for optimal sleep and recovery cycles at night, give your child a spoonful of honey before bed every day. They may not care a bit about the health benefits of honey now, but would be grateful and loving what you do to them when they grow up! More at: Hibernation Honey for Kids.

Immunity System builde

Among the many health benefits of honey, what is most impressive to me is that honey can be a booster of the immune system strong. These antioxidant properties and anti-bacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease. Start every brand new day with this cleansing tonic if you want to see this health benefit of honey: before breakfast, mix a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice of half a lemon into a cup of warm water and drink it.

Honey is Anti-Cancer!
Honey can help fight cancer? What many people do not think enough has been forgotten or is - honey has anti-carcinogenic and tumor-preventing property! Now there are more and more studies suggest a potential role of honey in the prevention and the development of tumors and cancer. More: Can Honey Against Cancer? and Honey Anti Cancer!

        Honey Remedy for Disease

FOR wounds and burns:

For thousands of years, honey has been recognized as one of the most natural home remedies to treat a variety of illnesses and complaints including fungal infections, athlete's foot, and arthritis pain. Antiseptic properties inhibits the growth of certain bacteria and helps keep external wounds clean and free from infection. Honey has been used as a natural medicine in the first aid treatment for wounds, burns and injuries because it can absorb moisture from the air and accelerate healing. Antibacterial properties prevent infection and functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain, and even scarring. It is widely believed that UMF Manuka honey for wound dressing choice because of the strong antibacterial properties.

For drunk:

When you get drunk from drinking too much alcohol, combat its effects by applying honey remedy. Honey is gentle on the stomach and contains a mix of natural sugars such fructose which is known to speed up the oxidation of alcohol by the liver, acting as an agent of 'serious'. Follow this recipe: 15ml of liquid honey with 80ml of orange juice and 70ml of natural yogurt. Blend them together until smooth.

FOR sore throat:
    One of the better known health benefits of honey is that it can help treat a sore throat. Thanks to the antimicrobial properties, honey not only soothes throats but can also kill certain bacteria that cause infection. Professional singers commonly use honey to soothe their throats before performances. The Chinese believe that excess "heat inside" in the body causes sore throat and took a drink of honey can help. Directions: Take a spoonful of honey to soothe the inflammation or gargle with a mixture of two tablespoons of honey, four tablespoons of lemon juice and a little salt. Personally, whenever I have a sore throat or cough, I especially want to take warm water mixed with UMF Manuka honey is known for its anti-bacterial properties of healing.

For sleeplessness:

Can not sleep? Use the famous Milk and Honey Remedy. Take a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey to soothe the soul and induces sleep. Or, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey to a cup of chamomile tea and sip.

IMPROVEMENT OVER HONEY: Alternative Medicine: What You Do not Know Doctor
Source about Home Remedies Using Honey

Frank K. Wood has written a book called "The Folk Remedy Encyclopedia: Olive Oil, vinegar, honey and another 1,001 Home Remedies". Many common pain and pain we experience can be treated with simple food such as honey that we usually find in our home kitchen cabinets, but such valuable knowledge does not seem to be common among people. This may be old-fashioned traditional medicine, but many of the drugs they have been proven effective by modern medical research. To check, click on the book.
Read Honey Testimony
I love stories of our honey fans send and post. They are so inspiring and encouraging. Read what things are wonderful and amazing honey can do in our lives! All in "In what ways have you experienced the benefits of honey?"
`Other related topics on Health Benefits of Honey
1. Does Vinegar and Honey Remedy?
The health benefits of honey and vinegar beverages are widely known. This recipe has traditionally been used as a house of their own detox or drug themselves to many diseases such as arthritis. Click here to learn more about the benefits of honey and vinegar Remedy.

2. What is Honey and Cinnamon Remedy?
Combination of honey and cinnamon has been used in oriental medicine for centuries and people claim that the mixture is a formula for many health benefits and cures for many ailments including hair loss and bad breath.

Click here to read about Honey and Cinnamon Remedy.

3. Honey and Lemon: Weight Loss Diet Tips
A honey and lemon diet can relieve you of your weight problem. Find out why more and more people are trying this Honey and Lemon Diet Tip.

4. Milk and Honey: For the promotion of good digestion and health
Add honey for diary products such as sour milk and yogurt can improve your digestion and bowel movements. Read more about what is so good about Milk and Honey.

5. The Hibernation Diet
"You can lose weight while you sleep." Sounds too very easy? Read this article to understand the logic and how you can reduce the kilos by eating natural honey before you go to bed everyday - revolutionary The Hibernation Diet

6. Cholesterol and Honey
Antioxidants in honey is a cholesterol fighter and has the potential to protect against heart disease! Read: Honey Lowers Cholesterol

7. Warning Note about Honey and Babies
You may also hear warn people about honey and baby while learning all the possible health benefits of honey. Know what you have to understand about Honey and Babies.

8. Honey and Pregnancy
And what about pregnant women? Can she safely eat honey during pregnancy? Click here to remove this general confusion - Pregnancy and Honey

There are several hundred types of honey are unique and different flavors of honey varieties from around the world. Almost every country produces honey, each country has a main varieties of honey and special interest and quality standards, but the honey-producing countries leading the United States, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Mexico and China. Some people judge the quality of the honey with the origin of their interest, but each variety has its own distinct interest and original taste, texture, and color. Vary from very mild taste and mingle with strong and sharp and colors ranging from dark brown color. As a general rule, light colored honey is milder in flavor and dark honey, strong.

While table sugar taste sweet, honey has a flavor. Hold your nose while you eat and you will immediately draw a distinction between taste and aroma. Its unique aroma, taste and color of each variety of honey is determined by the source of interest, such as clover, basswood, linden or buckwheat, from which bees collect nectar.

Greek philosopher Aristotle reported in the 3rd century BC that honey bees that had been collected from a certain flower choose to return to another flower of the same type and they communicate with other strangers in the nest by way of scent and physical movement, the location of the source of nectar certain. He observed that in every expedition bees do not fly from one flower to another type of flower types have returned to the nest. On reaching the hive, the bees throw their burden and each bee on her back followed by three or four friends. Bees can choose the best superior nectar sources available at any particular time, which makes them concenrate on a single source. Hives that have moved into blooming fields for the purpose of pollination offer bees a great source to collect from. In order to be labeled as a particular variety, honey should be 80% of the sources named.

Honey vary not only in color and flavor, but also in their medicinal properties, with some varieties such as Manuka honey to be stronger than others. After trying so many different brands of honey, I discovered that the same variety of flower honey from different brands may not feel exactly the same. Local climatic conditions can affect the color, quality, and thus the taste and flavor of honey varieties.

I learned from the book interesting honey recipe steps and tips on how one can explore and appreciate the taste of honey varieties and would like to share with you.

1) Prior to the tasting, take a sniff scent of honey in a jar.

2) scoop out a spoonful of honey, less than eight teaspoons. Put it in your mouth.

3) Allow it to dissolve in the front of your tongue.

4) As a response to the honey dissolves tastes, you might hit your lips to sort out the various flavors.

5) The taste is improved when the honey flow to the rear and sides of your mouth.

6) Take time to observe the lingering aftertaste.

7) If you feel some honey in a row, the hot black tea in between keeping a clear ceiling. Plain crackers can also help restore your tasting apparatus.

8) Give your mouth to look for complexity in honey before moving to another sample.

What is Considered Qualified Honey

What counts as a good quality honey? Even after deciding that a particular variety of flower honey will be the most favorite type of honey, many of us are often still left with the question "How do I choose a particular flower honey variety among all the countless brands and the price of honey from all over the world?" Although there is no clear standards on what constitutes a good honey, honey quality is sometimes judged by the following factors:
Content 1. Water

Some people believe that a good quality honey essentially has a low water content tends to ferment honey and lose freshness if the water content, which can be measured by using a gadget called a refractometer, greater than 19%. All unpasteurized, raw honey contains wild yeast. Because of the high sugar concentration, the yeast will pose little risk in low moisture honey because osmosis will draw sufficient water from yeast to force them into dormancy. However, in the honey which has a higher proportion of water, there is a high possibility that the yeast can cause fermentation in storage, where the increase in acidity can be a problem of quality honey.

Honey is hygroscopic, which means that it easily absorbs moisture from the air. Thus, in areas with very high humidity can be difficult to produce honey is relatively low water content. The water content of the raw honey can be as low as 14%, and is considered by some people as more valuable. Honey contains up to 20% of water is not recommended for mead-making. One simple way to assess the relative amounts of water (not purity) in honey involves taking two same size, the same temperature, sealed jars of honey from different sources. Turn the two jars upside down and watch the bubbles rise. Bubbles in honey with moisture content will rise faster.

2. HMF (hydroxymethylfurfural)
HMF is a break-down product of fructose (one of the main sugars in honey) formed slowly during storage and very quickly when honey is heated. The amount of HMF present in honey is therefore used as a guide for the length of storage and the amount of warming that has occurred. HMF occurrence and accumulation in honey is variable depending on the type of honey. High levels of HMF may indicate excessive heating during the extraction process. Honey traded in bulk form is usually required to be under 10 or 15 mg / kg to allow for further processing and then give some shelf life before the level of 40 mg / kg is achieved. It is not uncommon for honey sold in hot climates to be more than 100 mg / kg in HMF. This is largely due to the ambient temperature (over 35 ° C) that honey is exposed in the distribution channel. Some countries set limits for honey imports HMF. You may also want to note the color of the honey because sometimes it can be an indicator of the length of storage or number of heat exposure.

3. Inverted sugar
High levels of HMF (greater than 100 mg / kg) could also be an indicator of adulteration with inverted sugar. Cane or sucrose, is "inverted" by heating with acidic foods, and this process creates HMF. Many foods sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, for example, carbonated soft drinks, can have levels of HMF up to 1,000 mg / kg

4. Dirt
For most consumers, the good quality of honey is expected to visually free of defects - clean and clear. Honey that contains a very high pollen appears cloudy, and the presence of many other contaminants such as particles of wax, bees, wood chips, and dust certainly make it look unappetising and unattractive for anyone to buy and consume, and therefore looks as if it was from a very low value. Unfortunately, no matter how much food value or health benefits some particles such as pollen can offer, the type of honey is difficult to be associated with good quality honey and immediately rejected by the majority of consumers in the super-mart. And this explains why it is almost impossible to find without a filter, raw honey on the shelves. Cloudy appearance makes them commercially attractive.

5. Color
Honey is considered to be a light color, yellow, and black categories that do not really have a bearing on quality. Some varieties of honey are the most distinctive and powerful flavor, such as basswood, very light, while the honey is very light and fun as tulip poplar can be very dark. Honey color is measured on the Pfund Scale in millimeters. Although not an indicator of the quality of honey and there are exceptions to the rule, in general, the darker the color of honey, the higher the mineral content, pH readings, and the level of aroma / flavor. Minerals such as potassium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, manganese, magnesium, and sodium have been found to be much higher in darker honey.

Related Pages

1. How can you be sure that the honey you buy are not diluted and added with sugar? Are you able to distinguish 100% pure honey and honey contaminated from home? Read How to Test for Pure Honey

2. All people want to eat the best honey. But what is the best?

3. The raw honey, local honey, pure honey, or organic honey ... who do you think is the best, how do you choose? More at: Honey Yang Buying?

How many varieties of honey have you felt?

Honey like my fans are always eager to find new varieties of honey and understand their characteristics and nuances that can cleverly use and apply them to different food combinations. I like tasting honey, distinguish subtle flavors between varietals and experience the different varietals interest from stores, online stores, direct from the farm when traveling. Thanks to my friends, they also brought me a sample of honey back of the countries they visit, such as Bulgaria, Romania, Sweden, Estonia, Uganda, etc. Many varieties are somehow not available in parts of the world that I live in. Nevertheless, I'm still far from an expert in honey varietals; with thousands of different varietals around the world, and hundreds in some countries, what I have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Find distinct aromatic flavor of honey is a never-ending journey interesting!

The following is an account in a few varieties of honey that I feel and learn about (not in order of my choice but in alphabetical order):


Acacia, mild and clear honey made from nectar collected from flowers of Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as Black Locust in North America and Europe. It is one of the most popular varieties of honey and sweetest because of its mild flavor delicate flowers. It can remain in a liquid state for a long period of time because of the high concentration of fructose. Due to the low yield, it is a great choice for diabetics. Known for therapeutic action, Acacia cleanse the liver, regulate the intestines, and anti-inflammatory for the respiratory system. This honey is excellent for sweetening without altering the taste or aroma of drinks. Personally, I prefer to use honey in my tea. It is very light so it does not affect the aroma of tea would you want to maintain. Also, kids love this honey. Sweetness is also perfectly balancing the salty tang of cheese.


Alfalfa honey, which is produced widely throughout Canada and the United States of purple or blue flowers, light in color with delicate spicy profile and light floral aroma scented. Delicate nature that does not overpower the other flavors, making it a favorite choice for the chef for their food and honey baked good table for tea lovers. Not as sweet as most types of honey, it is the preferred choice to combine with other ingredients or enjoy straight from the tube.


A distinctive smell sweet, full-bodied varieties of flowers, daisies honey is abundant in the United States Mid-South. It is light in color and tend to crystallize quickly. Relatively thick and smooth in consistency, aromatic honey is the favorite choice to eat straight like candy. My personal acquaintance with these varieties is through Really Raw Honey, which supplies Aster beautiful honey.


His name is a misnomer. Avocado honey does not taste like fruit, avocado. Collected from flowers California avocados, avocado honey is dark in color and has a flavor that is quite rich and buttery. This honey comes from southern Mexico and is now a common plant in Central America, Australia and other tropical areas.


Basswood is produced from cream-colored flowers are found throughout North America, Basswood honey is one of several varieties of honey remarkable that have bright colors and strong flavors and flavor bite yet linger typical. It is rather fresh, fun "woody" aroma very well with tea like Earl Grey and works well for salad dressings and marinades.


Beechwood honey sourced from New Zealand South Island and is a special varieties derived from the sap produced from beech and collected by the bees. Aromatic, dark amber honey, often blended into smoothies, sauces, and used as a sweet drizzle of pancakes and fruit. Honey is also a popular supplement to boost the immune and digestive systems.


Manufactured in New England and in Michigan, Blueberry honey taken of small white flowers bush blueberry. It is usually bright yellow in color, has a pleasant taste, a little tang, and a blueberry aftertaste. A good table honey.


Blue Gum, a specie Eucalyptus honey, grows in South Australia and Tasmania. It honey yellow in color and dense in texture. Delicious on bread and wafers, this variety is popularly used as a breakfast or ice cream drizzle. Blue Gum honey is a must-try for those who love a variety of Eucalyptus honey. Smooth cool, minty tone reminds me of the blue gum kids love to chew.


Buckwheat honey is produced in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin as well as in eastern Canada. It is dark, full-bodied and rich in iron - the main reason very popular with lovers of honey. Buckwheat honey has been found to contain more antioxidant compounds than some lighter honey. This is probably the strongest and darkest varieties of honey. Most experts recommend using strong tasting honey types, such as wheat for the production of honey. While the variety is very popular in Europe, not all Asians good to familiarize with the strong aroma and hence many suppliers who are not too keen to import.


Hailing from Canada and New Zealand, Clover honey is one of the varieties of honey are the most widely available and popular. Depending on the location and source, clover honey varies in color from white water to the different tones of amber. Especially white clover blossom grass planted as widespread and is a major source of nectar in many parts of the world. A favorite of many lovers of honey varieties (including me), this classic honey has a sweet, mild pleasingly simple interest received. And the most distinctive characteristic of this honey for me is the instructions of his lingering sour aftertaste. A perfect material for a dip to light, salad dressing and baking!


Harvested from New Zealand South Island, Dandelion honey is honey mixed with a relatively strong light sharp notes. This dark amber honey gives a different flower aroma of dandelion are traditionally valued as herbal medicine in China, Tibet and India for a broad spectrum of powerful healing properties. Great tasting by itself, it is best eaten straight from the spoon.


Eucalyptus honey comes from one plant to the larger genera, which contains more than 500 different species and many hybrids. Country of origin is Australia, but also produced mostly in California. Widely available, highly variable in color and flavor but tends to have a special flavor herbal bring a bit of menthol that may not be the most pleasant to the palate of children. This honey is traditionally by many people as a protection against colds and headaches. As a tea lover, I also would recommend it as an ingredient to turn your morning or afternoon tea. Click here for the full report from Eucalyptus honey.


One of the most popular honey, Fireweed comes from high perennial herb grows in open forests of North West US. Light in color, have their own way to be sweet and complex at the same time. It has a smooth, soft, buttery flavor and exceptional which is great for gourmet cooking, cake, glass, BBQ grilling, meat and smoked fish
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